
Here’s Why Cleansing Should Be An Everyday Ritual (And How To Do It Safely)

Here’s Why Cleansing Should Be An Everyday Ritual (And How To Do It Safely) Cleansing is usually associated with eating less. But actually, eating more nutritious foods can support our body’s detoxification. Just by providing our body with the right vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, we can promote the chemical processes that eliminate toxins […]


Support Your Training with These Crucial Pillars

Support Your Training with These Crucial Pillars Written by Lee Boyce, CPT  |  Lead Photo by Paul Buceta Having goals of getting stronger, building muscle, or just plain getting into better shape need to be met with the right attitude. The problem is, many people get caught up in the details that far surpass a logical […]


The Worst Foods for Your Heart Health

The Worst Foods for Your Heart Health The Worst Foods for Your Heart Health HealthifyMe HealthifyMe – The definitive guide to weight loss, fitness and living a healthier life. The heart is a vital organ in the human body. It literally works alongside us without stopping for a second. It is probably the first […]


How Low Testosterone Impacts Women

How Low Testosterone Impacts Women Few women know that their bodies produce testosterone naturally, and therefore they have no idea that low testosterone levels might be the underlying cause of their lowered mood, fatigue, or low libido.  Like men, women have testosterone in their bodies, but in a smaller amount than what is considered […]


Celebrating Women in Fitness

Celebrating Women in Fitness Who are your favorite women in fitness? While we are just past International Women’s Day (Tuesday, March 8), did you know this entire month is Women’s History Month? Jack LaLanne may have reigned as the “Godfather of Fitness,” but women, by and large, have shaped and continue to lead our […]


Heart Rate Variability vs. Heart Rate: What’s the Difference?

Heart Rate Variability vs. Heart Rate: What’s the Difference? As technology advances, so do our opportunities to take advantage and track our fitness in new ways. Nowadays, smartwatches often include heart rate variability (HRV) as a measurement. While this feature is exciting, many fitness enthusiasts aren’t sure what to do with this number. The […]