
Weight-inclusive fitness posts are more likely to motivate young women to exercise

“Fitspiration” is a popular social media trend that depicts images of thin women posing in exercise clothing or engaged in fitness pursuits. Research has found that this trend, which is intended to inspire viewers to engage in health-promoting exercise, often sexualizes and objectifies women’s bodies…

Source:Medical Xpress
Author:Eva Pila and Madeline Wood
Image Source:Shutterstock

What is the real secret behind motivation?

We often talk about motivation as being a key factor in running success, and elite athletes seem to have it in spades. Any time our training falls to the wayside, we often blame a lack of motivation as the reason. So how do you stay motivated to avoid these lapses in training?…

Source:Canadian Running
Author:Brittany Hambleton
Image Source:Canadian Runnin

The Definitive List Of 85 Personality Strengths And Weaknesses

The Definitive List Of 85 Personality Strengths And Weaknesses Believable characters in novels have flaws as well as strengths, whatever their roles in the story.  You know this as a person and a reader, but it’s no good recognizing that if you don’t see your own character strengths and weaknesses. Of course, most of […]


125 Quotes About Finding Yourself to Bring You Clarity

125 Quotes About Finding Yourself to Bring You Clarity Discovering who you are and what you deep down want out of life is not always an easy thing. Expectations and goals of others like family, friends and society in general can confuse or lead you astray. Staying in your comfort zone for too much […]


Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up! photo by [email protected]’s Not Over… Until It’s Over I have heard it said that joy comes in the morning. Regardless of your war, whether it is weight management or something else, morning is the moment that everything changes. Morning is the moment that the slightest glimmer of light seeps into your […]


Here’s How To Test Your Level of Self-Esteem

Here’s How To Test Your Level of Self-Esteem Whether we realize it or not, our level of self-esteem affects every area of our lives including how we view ourselves, our relationships, and even our careers. Terri Cole, a licensed psychotherapist and the author of Boundary Boss-The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen and […]


Scientists identify neurons in the brain that drive competition and social behavior within groups – Science Daily

Scientists identify neurons in the brain that drive competition and social behavior within groups – Science Daily New research in mice has identified neurons in the brain that influence competitive interactions between individuals and that play a critical role in shaping the social behavior of groups. Published in Nature by a team led by […]


On Resilience

I’ve long had a beef with the word sustainability. It’s tossed around so often in the outdoor industry, affixed to so many products and claims that it loses all meaning…

Source:Trail Runner
Author:ZOË ROM
Image Source:Trail Runner