I’m a Doctor and Here’s How to “Shrink” Visceral Fat — Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That https://ift.tt/B5gbV1c Visceral fat is hidden deep within your abdomen and wraps around your vital organs causing significant health problems like some cancers, stroke, type 2 diabetes and more. Since you can’t see it, feel it […]
How Low Testosterone Impacts Women
How Low Testosterone Impacts Women https://ift.tt/X1FvSnC Few women know that their bodies produce testosterone naturally, and therefore they have no idea that low testosterone levels might be the underlying cause of their lowered mood, fatigue, or low libido. Like men, women have testosterone in their bodies, but in a smaller amount than what is considered […]
Heart Rate Variability vs. Heart Rate: What’s the Difference?
Heart Rate Variability vs. Heart Rate: What’s the Difference? https://ift.tt/luUdMJj As technology advances, so do our opportunities to take advantage and track our fitness in new ways. Nowadays, smartwatches often include heart rate variability (HRV) as a measurement. While this feature is exciting, many fitness enthusiasts aren’t sure what to do with this number. The […]

What is the best DNA test for health and fitness?
Medical News Bulletin Image Source: PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil: 5 FAQs
How common heart health myths may impact you
How common heart health myths may impact you – 10TV https://ift.tt/Px7di4n Stereotypically “unhealthy” drinks and “healthy” activities may have the opposite effect on certain individuals. COLUMBUS, Ohio — Caffeine, wine, and exercise play a role in our heart health. Whether that role is helpful or harmful depends on your genetics, according to Dr. Anup Kanodia. […]

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease with Diet
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM | February 1, 2022 | Nutrition Facts | Image Source: Unsplash

Understanding the Complexity of Obesity
Cassandra Padgett, MS | IdeaFit | February 15, 2022 | Image Source: Ideafit

Are Alternative Birthing Practices a Good Idea?
Jillian Mock | Web MD | February 18, 2022 Image Source: xxx